One Moment In Time

Summer is just around the corner, according to the calendar.  I can’t believe how well spent this year is. I shutter when I think of all that has happened throughout the world, and my own “personal” world. I can still remember New Year’s Eve.  I had set my clock to alarm at 11:45 so I could count down and ring in the New Year with the rest of Chicago. The clock rang at the appointed time, and I got up and grabbed my chilled bottle of sparkling apple cider and toasted the New Year in with my daughter.  The truth is, this has been such a fast paced five months, that many of the things which happened between that day to this is a blur; even though, I can still feel the exhaustion of having gone through it all.  I am looking forward to the summer because things slow down a little for me, at least until mid August, then everything ramps up again.  I have decided to not only take some time to smell the flowers, but to plant some as well.  I am going to stop, look, and listen more to the things and sounds around me.  I have some great things planned for this summer, and top on the list is to get more rest and finish that book I started years ago. I hope in August I don’t find myself writing, ‘Where did the time go?”


Thought for the day:


“The most important moment of your life is the one that you are experiencing right now, so be present in it, you will never see it again.”